Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ossipee Hill - Waterboro Center, York County

The 30-foot fire tower on Ossipee Hill in Waterboro is one of 10 fire lookout towers in Maine and one of three in York County listed on the National Historic Lookout Register.

The main trail to the 947-foot summit begins at a rusted and graffiti-covered yellow gate approximately 2 miles up steep and eroded McLucas Road, which begins just off Ossipee Hill Road near the intersection of Old Alfred Road and Route 5 in Waterboro. (See Map.)

The loose rock and gravel trail makes a direct 0.5-mile ascent to the rock summit, with several small lookout points that offer views of the surrounding forest and a nearby pond.

Ascent time: approx. 15 minutes


Lightly traveled trail shows signs of hikers of all ages. A flat rock overlook point near the summit offers a nice picnic spot and patches of low-bush blueberries. At the summit, views in all directions are obscured by a combination of trees, low-hanging electrical and guy wires, the fire tower and a communications tower.

[Quick-reference guide: Fee - NO | Dogs - YES | Kid-friendly - YES | Facilities - NO]

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