Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bauneg Beg Conservation Area - North Berwick, York County

Bauneg Beg Conservation Area in North Berwick includes 89 acres of deciduous forest land surrounding the 866-foot, three-peaked Bauneg Beg Mountain. The land was acquired by Great Works Regional Land Trust in three parts over the course of seven months in 2000 and 2001.

The main trail begins at a parking area and kiosk on Fox Farm Hill Road between Ford Quint and Hammond roads in North Berwick. (See Map.)

The 0.65-mile trail winds through a deciduous forest, a pine grove and a section of large boulders described as "Devil's Den" before reaching the highest of the three peaks. Trail forks just before the summit with a choice of routes to the top. Easier trail veers to the right.

Rocky outcroppings offer views of nearby Mount Hope, parts of south Sanford and, according to Great Works Regional Land Trust, on a clear day, Mount Washington to the northwest and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast.

Ascent time: approx. 25 minutes.


A Maine Conservation Corps crew completed construction in June 2008 on a second trail to the summit of Bauneg Beg Mountain. This longer, gentler trail - marked with orange surveyor's tape - begins on Bauneg Beg Hill Road in North Berwick (behind mailbox 274) and continues up the back side of the mountain to the highest peak.

Be sure to go up and down the same trail, unless you want to walk the 1.5 miles - along Bauneg Beg Hill Road, Hammond Road and Fox Farm Hill Road - between the two trailheads.

[Quick-reference guide: Fee - NO | Dogs - YES | Kid-friendly - YES | Facilities - NO]

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The trail in the conservation area only goes to Middle mountain which is not Bauneg Beg which is the highest. This fact is curiously hard to find out. I think it's a cover-up. So are you a sucker or are you in collusion? Please reply.
