Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Putting the skis before the dog

"Putting the carriage before the horse" is an old English idiom that signifies doing things in the wrong order. For me, this is a fact of life, as evidenced by my latest snafu: Making plans to go skijoring before actually securing the necessary equipment to do it.

"I have skis. I have a dog," I thought. "All I need is a towline and harness. Surely I can order that online anytime I'm ready."

Yes and no.

I started looking before Christmas and found the Web sites of numerous out-of-state outfitters. I could have ordered everything then and there if I knew my dog's harness size and wanted to pay more than a $100 for the complete "skijor package."

But, like I said, it was before Christmas, and, like everyone else, we'd tightened the reins on our holiday spending.

So, I looked some more and found a link to Nooksack Racing Supply in Oxford, which is about an hour from Portland, and figured I could get everything I needed from them for less than $70.


I still needed to know Saber's measurements.

But they said customers could stop in or call for advice.

Did I mention that the owners are professional skijor instructors and athletes?

Nobody was there. My message has yet to be returned. They're probably "on tour" all winter.

Then I found a link for Mountain Ridge Sled Dog Equipment in Shirley and began searching their online catalog.

"At last," I thought. "A place that accepts orders online and not just by mail, phone, fax or e-mail." And, as I continued reading, "Dude! The harnesses go by small, medium and large. I don't even have to measure the dog!"

I added a large padded tracking harness, a skijor belt and a towline to my shopping cart and prepared to check out. I entered my mailing and shipping address and credit card number and waited for it to authorize.

After several minutes, an error message appeared on the screen: "Null."

I tried again.


"You have got to be kidding me," I thought as I tried another card.


They must have been experiencing technical difficulties.

I guess I can relate.

For skijor equipment that's made in Maine by dog sport professionals, visit: Mountain Ridge Sled Dog Equipment, Shirley, padded tracking harness for skijoring $24, skijor belt $30, towline $18; Nooksack Racing Supply, Oxford, harness $13.95-$16.95, skijor belt $35, towline $15; or Perry Greene Kennel & Outfitters (Mainely Dogs), Waldoboro, harness $22, skijor belt and towline $50.

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